If I could place in your hands one dozen blue and brown eggs, you could crack them and admire their orange-gold yolks and taste the farm. If I could offer you crisp sweet peas or deep-flavored tomatoes, you could feast without even cooking. Since I cannot, from a distance, make you laugh with your armsful of a crooning blonde chicken named Buffy Bon Foo, I have collected these photos and stories.
Words follow me around the farm, louder than the chickens sometimes. I watch the light change across the fields and garden, in all of the seasons. I am like our dog, Skip, cradling an egg in her mouth. These entries are where I hold the words and images. These are my letters to my kids, to ourselves, and to you.
Thanks for joining us in the dig and flow of life here.

What a joy to read about your new adventure. Your dad told me about your blog. The farm is more beautiful than I imagined. Keep writing, I’ll be waiting to hear more about your journey.
Carolyn and I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas at your new homestead!
Thanks, Steve. I’m glad to hear it. We’re in the thick of renovations, so I have more to write about as soon as the dust settles. Wishing you a lovely Christmas!
Hello Abbie,
I’m pleased to meet you. My husband and I are long-time friends of Andrew’s parents. At a recent meal together, we updated each other and learned about you, your family, and your latest venture. What a huge endeavor. I bookmarked this blog because your mother-in-law said you were an interesting writer.
So far, I agree. I’m sure you’ll see my name again.
Hi Maryann,
I’m delighted to meet you too. Long-time friends of Andrew’s wonderful parents must be great people. Welcome to the dig and flow.
Hi Abbie,
I saw your familiar name and face on the Goshen College Bulletin Points email and followed the link to your article about the More-With-Less cookbook, which I (and my wife Starla) thoroughly enjoyed. It took me back through many memories of my childhood, Akron Mennonite Church, Goshen College and beyond.
Then I found your blog, which is wonderful (the writing and the photography too). I am so glad to have found it and get a glimpse into your life adventures and reflections on them.
My family (we have 3 children) have found our way to Northern Alberta, Canada, where my wife grew up, after spending time living in PA and in Argentina.
I wish you peace, joy and fulfillment as you continue to live life to the fullest and soak in the blessings of family, work, animals and nature that God has gifted you with.
Great to hear from you, David. I thought that we had moved “up north,” but now I get to imagine you and Starla and your family in Northern Alberta! Thanks so much for revisiting memories with the More-with-Less article and for reading my blog. We are certainly soaking in the blessings. Wishing you all the best.
Dear Dr. Gascho Landis,
I teach ecology to adults from around the world here in Toronto. I try to get my students out into the local rivers and wetlands (including stormwater ponds) as often as possible. Not surprisingly, most of our local freshwater mussel species are gone but we do find some live species occasionally.
I picked up your book from our local library hoping to learn more about mussels and was amply rewarded, so much so that I actually purchased my own copy. I am an older person springing from “more with less ” roots so I try to limit my book purchases( a bit of background just to flesh out the compliment I intend) .
Do you and David Waltner Toews have an exclusive Goshen College grad / vet/ science writer’s club ?
Good luck with the farm, your young family and the farm. Thanks again for a terrific book. Connie Zehr (Centennial College Environmental Technology)
Thank you for your note, Connie! And thanks for getting your students into local freshwater systems. I’m honored that you purchased my book (and share your “more with less” roots). David Waltner Toews just visited us this week, and we did indeed have much to talk about. All the best to you!
Gооd dаy! thedigandflow.com
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